Ligue 1 matches weather

Ligue 1 matches weather

Hello !

Welcome to this 6th football post. For better visibility, I advise you to look at my posts on a computer (for the size but also because the colors differ on a phone that has a dark theme like me. If the theme is light, only the size makes it difficult to read).

Today, a dataviz on the meteorology of Ligue 1 matches. I got the idea while watching an excerpt from a match in Denmark, with incredible wind.
I don't know if it's usual there. In any case, I decided to make a graph of it for France.

Initially, I wanted to include the rain, but this was difficult for the readability. What's more, the values were low, and few cities had rain... so the interest was reduced and I kept the temperature and wind speed.
The scraped values are for the hours of the match. For example, for a match at 9:00 p.m., I've taken the weather values for 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., since a match lasts about 2 hours with interruptions.
Then I take the averages by month and city to build the graph.

Thanks for reading! I hope it was clear and you liked it.
You will find the code below by clicking the github link button.

I'd like to thank the 2 websites, which contained a great deal of precise information and enabled me to create this dataviz.

If you have any questions or remarks, I invite you to create an account (it's free) to write a comment, or simply to be notified of a new post in the future !

See you soon for new content ๐Ÿ‘‹

R-Dataviz/Football/6. Ligue_1_Meteo at main ยท MaximeDeniaux/R-Dataviz
Dataviz with the R language. Contribute to MaximeDeniaux/R-Dataviz development by creating an account on GitHub.